Top-Rated Digital Marketing Services

Don’t Pay Us Until You are Satisfied with the Results!


Managed Spending


Leads Generated


Satisfied Clients


Years of Expertise

About Us

Growth Assurance was established by Jeff, a marketing and advertising expert from Canada. With years of experience, Jeff has guided numerous businesses to consistently realize exceptional outcomes from their digital advertising efforts. Currently, Jeff personally manages over $10 million in annual digital ad spending across Google and Facebook.

Why Choose Us


Pay only for ad spending and not a cent more until you are satisfied with our results.

Compare to Other Agencies

Most agencies charge thousands of dollars for website setup and ad campaigns before delivering results.

No Hidden Costs

Zero setup fees, no long-term contracts, and no retainers. You only pay a 15% fee on managed ad spending.

Compare to Other Agencies

Many agencies charge multiple fees (retainers, setup, hosting, SEO, etc.) that can quickly add up.


You can pause or cancel our services at any time.

Compare to Other Agencies

Most agencies require 3-12 month contracts before you'll see any results.

Fast Results

Expect to see profitable outcomes in just 2-3 weeks.

Compare to Other Agencies

Agencies often claim 3-6 month contracts are necessary for results, but some may simply use this time to charge you more.

Best Lead Quality

Receive exclusive leads from the top 50% income bracket, with an average closing rate of 30-50%.

Compare to Lead Vendors

Lead vendors like Angie's List share leads with multiple businesses, resulting in low conversion rates and wasted time.


Obtain everything you need to generate top-quality leads online at a simple and affordable cost.

What You Get​


To Get Started

Only pay for ad spending during the first month. No retainers or setup fees. After the first month:

If you wish to continue:

Pay only a 15% management fee on the previous month’s managed ad spending.

(50% management fee discount on the portion of ad spending over $50k each month)

If you are not satisfied:

There is no need to pay us anything.

The Process

Step 1: Onboarding

Fill out a simple form in 5 minutes to inform us about your business, campaign goals, and budget.

Within approximately 5 business days, we will provide the landing page and ad content for your approval. We will also send an access request for your ad accounts.

After approval, expect to start receiving leads within a few days.

Typically, it takes about 2-3 weeks for the campaign results to stabilize.
